Hi, I am
Chris John
I am a
As an enthusiast in the realm of data science, machine learning, and computer vision, I enjoy playing with data and teaching computers to see and learn things better. I'm on a journey of learning new things, so I can bring cool ideas to the world of technology.
Here are some of the tools of my trade that I have honed over the last four years.

Machine Learning





VS Code
My professional journey has allowed me to experience various facets of Data Science and Machine Learning.
  • Machine Learning Student Consultant
    ANZ Banking Group
    Mar 2024 - Jun 2024
    As part of RMIT University's Industry project, I collaborated with ANZ's Client Insights Team to optimize reporting processes for over 8 million clients across 30 industries. My contributions included designing an AI-powered solution to quickly retrieve relevant sentences from ESG reports, reducing processing time by 40%. Additionally, I developed an easy-to-use UI with Python and Flask API, significantly enhancing user satisfaction from an estimated 4/10 to 7/10. Throughout the project, I effectively managed relationships with over three stakeholders, including the Director of Industry & Innovation.
    • Python
    • Machine Learaning
    • TensorFlow
    • HuggingFace API
    • Flask
    • Data Analysis
    • Git
  • Teaching Assistant
    Monash University
    May 2023 - November 2023
    As a Tutor, I played a crucial role in supporting students by providing assistance with their coursework and assignments. This involved guiding them through complex concepts, offering clarifications and helping them develop effective strategies for completing their tasks. Provided tailored approach to meet individual learning styles and needs, fostering an environment that encouraged academic growth and success.
    • Python
    • SQL
    • Flask
    • MongoDB
    • Spark
    • Tableau
    • Git
    • Machine Learaning
    • Neural Networks
    • Beautiful Soup
  • Software Engineer Intern
    Jan 2022 - Jun 2022
    As an Associate Software Engineer Intern, I successfully completed a rigorous 4-month training program focused on big data technologies featuring Hadoop and Spark. Demonstrated expertise in delivering client support for system operation and excelled in troubleshooting, ensuring seamless operational functionality.
    • Java
    • Spark
    • Hadoop
    • SQL
Here are some of my projects, from complex image recognition systems to basic programming solutions.
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
TensorflowKerasScikit-learnCNNMulti-Task ClassificationStreamlit
Emoti Scan
Mar 2023 - Apr 2023
EmotiScan brings the magic of machine learning to recognize emotions and expressions in pictures. With EmotiScan, you can upload an image and receive predictions about the emotions and facial action units displayed in the photo. It's an enjoyable way to explore the subtleties of facial expressions and understand the underlying emotions.
NLTKPyTorchScikit-learnSentence TransformerHugging Face
Query PDF
Mar 2024 - Jun 2024
QueryPDF is a web application designed to enhance document analysis by intelligently retrieving relevant sentences based on user queries. Traditional search methods often miss nuanced information in documents, requiring exact keyword matches. QueryPDF overcomes this limitation using advanced sentence transformer models to identify contextually relevant sentences, even when specific keywords are absent.
TensorflowKerasScikit-learnNeural NetworkTransfer Learning
Feather Pal
Jan 2023 - Jan 2023
This project focuses on building a robust deep learning model for bird species classification using TensorFlow and the EfficientNetB0 architecture. The dataset consists of a diverse collection of bird images, and the goal is to train a model that accurately identifies and classifies different bird species.
PandasNumpyNeural NetworkPythonDashFlaskHTMLCSS
HELOC Loan Tool
Sept 2023 - Oct 2023
Our primary objective was to leverage data-driven techniques to enhance the explainability of machine learning models in the context of finance. We focused on creating a prediction model to evaluate risk and adapted it to provide not only binary predictions but also a general confidence level, offering valuable insights for financial decision-makers.
Data AnalysisRRShinyGGPlotLeafletPlotly
Death Rate Explorer
Apr 2023 - Apr 2023
The Death Rate Tracker (2019) Shiny App is an interactive data visualization tool built using Shiny, Leaflet, Plotly, and other R packages. It allows users to explore and analyze death rates across different countries, age groups, and causes of death for the year 2019.
Data AnalysisRRShinyGGPlotLeafletPlotly
Global Plastic Pulse
Mar 2023 - Apr 2023
This project visualizes the global connection between plastic waste and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), aiming to raise awareness among governments, waste management officials, and the public. This project originated from the inspiration of a visualization found on Behance. While recognizing the original visualization's merit, I identified some areas for improvement to better align with the visualisation's objective.
My education has been a journey of self-discovery and growth. My educational details are as follows.
  • RMIT University, Australia
    Master of Data Science
    Jun 2022 - Aug 2024
    Acquired advanced expertise in Statistical Modelling, Machine Learning Modelling, and Data Wrangling, enabling me to evaluate complex data collections and solve problems using data analysis. Demonstrated a strong track record in deep learning, with a focus on computer vision projects.
  • Sathyabama University, India
    Bachelor of Technology - Computer Science and Engineering
    Jul 2017 - Sep 2021
    Developed proficiency in key programming languages, including Python, Java, SQL, and C, and fluency in multiple programming paradigms, such as Object-Oriented and Functional programming. Executed a final project that challenged my technical skills and problem-solving abilities
  • St.John's Public School, India
    High School
    Jun 2013 - May 2017
    I had the honor of serving as the Head Boy for two consecutive years, from 2016, where I was responsible for leading and representing the student body. Acquired expertise in Advanced Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
Let's Connect
Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to collaborate
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